Frequently Asked Questions

How does the service work?

Once you have registered the details of a deceased person, the information is entered into a secure data bank. Any company wishing to mail details of their products and services can check their mailing list against the information held on The Bereavement Register®.  If they find any matches they will remove the deceased's details and stop sending them marketing communications, they are obliged to do this by law.

Is there a charge for using the service?

No, the service is free of charge for the bereaved. The direct marketing companies pick up the costs when they subscribe to use the information we collect to update their mailing lists.

Will you be using the information I provide for any other purpose?

Definitely not. The Bereavement Register® is prevented from using the information collected for anything other than the purpose for which it was originally obtained i.e. for removing the names of the deceased from mailing lists.

Why do you need my name and address as well?

This is purely so we can ensure the accuracy of the information provided; it helps us to establish exactly where the registered information has come from. Your personal details will not be used for any other purpose. Click to view our privacy policy and full terms and conditions.

How long does the service take to work?

You should see a significant reduction in the amount of mail received within six weeks and virtually no mail at all within six months.

Can I put a stop to mail being sent to someone even if they died many years ago?

Yes, the service will work no matter how long ago a person passed away. Simply complete the registration in the normal way.

Will the service stop telephone calls to the deceased?

You may see a reduction in the amount of telephone calls to the deceased's telephone number. This is because companies that subscribe to the service which practice telemarketing, as well as direct marketing, will identify the person as deceased and stop all forms of marketing, including telephone calls. However, if the deceased continues to receive telemarketing calls after six weeks we recommend you register the number with the Telephone Preference Service by visiting or calling 0845 070 0707. This is a free service offered by the Direct Marketing Association (DMA).

If I have any further questions or would like some more information, who can I contact?

You can call us in the office on 0207 089 6403, we are open 0900 to 1730 Monday to Friday but you can leave a voicemail message out of hours and we will get back to you as soon as we’re back in.